Mercury is not the hottest planet in our solar system.

I and many of us answered this question wrong once in our lifetime that Mercury is the hottest planet in our solar system. And it’s all because we think that it is the closest planet to the sun. But the distance from the sun has little to do with the planet’s temperature. Venus, the brightestContinue reading “Mercury is not the hottest planet in our solar system.”

Is the Great Wall of China visible from Space?

We all knew how gigantic the Great Wall of China is, the entire wall with all of its branches measures out to be some 13,171 miles. So, there are many misconceptions and myths about the wall that it’s the only man-made thing visible from space. A 1932 Ripley’s Believe It or Not! cartoon claimed that theContinue reading “Is the Great Wall of China visible from Space?”

Do our hair and nails keep growing after we die?

I don’t know how many of you heard about this, but I have heard a lot that our hair and nails keep on growing even after our death. After studying about this, I found out that this weird myth needs to be permanently laid to rest. Few of our “zombie cells” or parts of ourContinue reading “Do our hair and nails keep growing after we die?”

Is Earth the only planet with most of the water in solar system?

From our junior classes, we all learned that Earth is called ‘the Blue planet’ or it’s the only planet with most of the water in our solar system. But, next time if someone asks you about the biggest ocean or planet with the most water, answer them it’s Jupiter and not Earth. Earth harbors aboutContinue reading “Is Earth the only planet with most of the water in solar system?”

Cracking your knuckles gives you Arthritis – Myth or Reality?

Yesterday I was sitting with my mother and I have a very bad habit of cracking my knuckles whenever I am sitting ideally. Suddenly, my mother said, stop doing it otherwise it’ll cause you arthritis. And the moment I heard this, I stop doing it but a few hours later I again start doing itContinue reading “Cracking your knuckles gives you Arthritis – Myth or Reality?”

How many senses, we humans have?

From class 2 and 3, we start learning about our five senses of eyesight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Senses can be defined as a mechanism that allows a human or an animal to receive different-different information about the world and transmit it to our brain through our nerve pathways. Each sense has its ownContinue reading “How many senses, we humans have?”

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